Friday 29 March 2013

Miami baby.....

So I arrive in Miami and have to say it is instantly a culture shock from the ease of pace in South America and the Caribbean. So much traffic, and noise... It's sensory overload. I head to the hotel, the Shore Club in Miami South Beach and get checked in. So far no major drama's, it's only $21 on the airport shuttle, and it's and easy enough journey.

Arriving in South beach it's about 4pm and the streets are already packed with festival goers, and people ready for a night out all dressed up. Never seen so much luminous clothing in my life.... I say clothing, (and I know I will sound like someone's mum saying this) but its barely anything, I have never seen silver hot pants so small in my life, just enough material for them not to be called a thong and matched with a tiny bikini top... I thought Liverpool girls wore next to nothing, but this is obscene.... Girls of all shapes and sizes in the same day glow outfits... It really has to be seen to be believed. A lady in the cab was basically questioning if they were call girls!!

Checked in and away from the craziness outside I head to the room which is lovely, sound proofed, with beach view ... Although that may be a bit of a stretch, you can see it just about in the distance from where we are, now I can in pack and wait for the arrival of Helen!!!

Sadly, her flight is delayed aircon and engine problems which is not good, so it turns out she won't arrive until the morning now so plans for Ultra festival this evening are scuppered as she has the tickets!! But I am quite happy just to relax for the evening, room service and a movie and plenty of rest.

She finally arrives at about 6am, we catch up and I hear all the drama of the delays, being upgraded to business class and running into ex-students!!!! Time to rest a bit as we have a long night ahead with Ultra festival so a bit more sleep and then breakfast.


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