Sunday 3 February 2013

The wheels on the bus..

So 17hrs on a bus is not as bad as it sounds and there are many different classes of seat. Semi-Camma or Camma and then a few unpronounceables as you move up the scale. We are travelling Camma, so the seat are a bit like business class airplane, not fully reclined the back goes pretty far back and there is a leg rest. You get served food, tea, coffee, wine and get movies! So all in all not a traumatic experience.

It's at this stage of the tour with all the travelling you start to feel the pressure of tight time schedules. Off the bus we get to the hostel, leave the bags in room and all change to head to the National Park of Foz de Iguazu. 16 of us (including the guide) have about 20 mins to change, with one bathroom.

After endless problems trying to the things you need in the many bags and a very small room full with people, we are finally ready to go... We get a bus to the falls, find our guide and are on our way fighting through the hundreds of tourists for a spot to view the falls and take a picture. The park is quite big so to fit everything in we only have a short time at each stop. Feels a bit rushed, but the falls are spectacular really beautiful and vast, I can understand why this is one of the New Seven Natural Wonders! Tick in the bucket list box...!

The best part of the whole day was the boat ride up the river and into the falls, literally.... It was great fun and after blazing heat of 36-37c all day (straight of an overnight bus!) it is refreshing just should have taken my shorts off first and stuck to the swimwear!! Then it's a very soggy walk through the park to meet up before heading back to the hostel. This is the point at which the whole tour leaves me behind in the park... It took them till they got to the bus stop to realise I wasn't there, meanwhile back in the park I worked out the time (park closing time!) and figured they were on the way back to the hostel so headed to the exit 1/2 way up I see a frantic looking guide and one of the crew pegging it down hill to find me...

As its the last night we all go for dinner and I decide to have a steak and red wine.... After all this is still Argentina, I dont regret the decision as it is the best steak so far and the wine is wonderful. We head to a bar for a quick drink to say farewell to Diego. The waitress brings us a round of complementary capiahinias which go down well, then everyone decides to go back tired after a long day of walking and no sleep the night before!




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