Tuesday 23 April 2013

Going back to Blighty

So time to say farewell to Mexico, and head back to the UK.... Thankfully, it's only a short stopover for now and I'm not expected to go back to reality just yet... All the same, it's strange to think I will soon be seeing family and friends again after what feels like such a long time.


We get to the airport in Cancun and I start to look for the flight... A mild panic sets in when I can't see it. There is no 14.15 flight listed to Miami, only 12.15 and it is 12.00.... I start to freak out a little thinking the time is wrong on my iPhone and didn't take into account the time difference and struggle to find someone to reassure me. The staff are not exactly what you would call helpful or understanding of the dilemma, but thankfully the panic is only for 5 minutes when I find out there is a 14.15 flight after all...! Phew....


The journey is pretty straight forward, AA to Miami, Miami to London on BA back to the fabulous terminal 5. Last minute duty free shopping, and we are good to go. I get back and am greeted by my parents at the airport, it's lovely to see them and ridiculously freezing. Flip flops might not have been the best choice! I pick up my car and then drive in a blizzard back to my house, and spend the next 24hrs working on getting it to a temperature that I can live in without 2 fleeces and a blanket, or wearing everything I own! Welcome home...!

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